Delivering packages on time

One hour slots lead new delivery standards

Or get left behind as standards improve

BUSINESSES need to buck up their ideas and change their attitudes to customer service, reckons Trimble, an expert in telematics.

As supermarkets such as Ocado offer their customers one-hour delivery slots, many customers are starting to wonder why they have to wait when it comes to other service providers.

Trimble predicts that by 2011, a majority of major suppliers and services will be competing to offer the narrowest delivery slot.

“Currently the majority of suppliers still offer their customers half-day slots for deliveries,” commented Andrew Yeoman, managing director, Trimble.

“For the average working person, taking half a day off work to get something fixed or delivered is not feasible.”

Recent research showed that the average Brit spends 366 hours – or 15 days- every year, waiting for deliveries or tradesmen.
