TomTom online route planner

TomTom route planner: online journey planner

Free web-based route planner launched

The satnav maker TomTom has launched a new online route planner.

The free web-based route planner means van operators can pre-plan a route, obtain precise travel and arrival times, all before setting off.

At the moment the route planner is in Beta (test) mode. But you can sign up to join the test programme at

The TomTom online route planner provides: door-to-door route planning options to any address. These take into account real-time and historic information on traffic flows throughout the day.

It incorporates dynamic traffic information. This will allow users to pre-plan routes based on facts, rather than estimates. Travel time predictions are promised to be highly accurate.

“Users who do not have a navigation device can now benefit from our high-quality routing before starting their journey,” commented Harold Goddijn, chief executive officer, TomTom.

“It gives them a chance to plan their day more efficiently than ever before.”

If the Beta programme is a succes, the TomTom online route planner will gradually be rolled out worldwide.

TomTom route planner is currently available in six languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish.

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